ColecciĆ³n: Evil Eye X Hand of Fatima X Hamsa
Evil Eye X Hamsa X Hand of Fatima
The evil eye is a curse from Greek culture that has been passed through many decades and still exists today. It states that when someone is envious of you, they'll have the power to give you an 'evil glare' and send bad luck your way. The evil eye brings good luck and protects you from any ill-will that could otherwise have a negative effect on your well-being or your life in general. A person wears or carries an evil eye with them, it guards against misfortune happening in one's life.Ā
The Hamsa Hand, or Hand of Fatima is an ancient Middle Eastern talisman. In all religions it is a protective symbol. It is a talismanic symbol that people believed to protect them from harm against the evil eye and bring them goodness, abundance, fertility, luck, and good health. The symbol of "Hand of Fatima" is known all over the Middle East, and North Africa. The symbol dates back to cave paintings. The name comes from Mohammed the Islamic prophet's daughter Fatima. The five fingers represents the 5 pillars of Islam but isĀ mainly a symbol used for protection and used as defense to ward of the Evil eye.